Tuesday 10 March 2020

Composition Of Discipline < A easy eassy for all the intellegent students > Abdullah Fahim 743

Introduction:Discipline is a noble quality of human being.A man does not live in a solitary life.He must live in a society.So he cannot do wathever he likes.He is to abide by some rules and regulations of the sociey. These are called discipline.
Discipline in nature : The nature is an example of disciplined entity.In the cosmos we find that we find that all the stars,Plantes and and comets are moving in a discipline way.If there is no discipline,there would be collision are moving in a disciplined way. All the time we see that night comes after day. The seasonal change comes one another.Everything in nature is going on in an exquisite disciplined way.
Discipline in games and sports: In games and sports we find that all the practice of discipline.All the players and directors obey the rules of games and sports.All the players most obey their captain. To show one’s worth one should obey the rules of playground.If there is
No discipline.  It would be full of choas.
Discipline in student life : Discipline is a necessary condition for learning in schhools, collages and madrasahs.Student life is the best time to learn discipline.It is a training period of a man/woman.Lack of the discipline distrubs the work of an institution and hampers its progress.proper discipline helps in obtaining knowledege,the primary duty of the students.
Necessity of discipline: As a social being man cannot do he likes. He has some

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